Jacket & Coat Season

 In blog, Newsletter

Cooler temperatures are here. Are you ready? Maybe you recently took out a jacket and noticed it did not smell as fresh as you hoped it would. Well, you can count on your winter coats and accessories to carry that musty smell, too. A few tips to get ready for winter wear:

  • Pull out your gear before you need them and make sure they still fit, don’t have holes or tears in pockets that need to be repaired or even replaced.
  • Check your labels. You may need to machine wash or plan for dry cleaning services for your gear.
  • Have coats to give away? Your local communities have multiple needs and programs you can donate to – some even providing pick up for give away items.
  • Could your gear or boots benefit from a first time or new coat of waterproofing, such as Scotch Guard? Now is the time to do it and it should be applied after you clean your items in the appropriate way.